Saturday, December 14, 2013

Tis' The Season.

The holiday season is just around the corner and parties and celebrations are in full swing...with that comes drinking and eating and life getting pretty choatic.  The Christmas season is my favorite time of year.  There's nothing better than spending time with family and friends.  Let's be honest though, It can be pretty burdens, so little time so much to do and on top of that work keeps on keeping on and then exercising has to find its place sometime in the day as well.

I want to give you a few tips that have helped me be able to enjoy the holiday instead of constantly feeling overwhelmed by all the things packed into my schedule and the temptations I have and will be faced with.

1. Set holiday goals.  Do you want to get your Christmas shopping done by a certain time? Does your busy schedule make it hard to keep the fridge stocked and you need to make a point to keep meals on hand to just grab and go?  Do you need to plan out your schedule for your workouts before the week begins?  Do you find yourself saying yes and over booking your schedule to please others instead of saying no when you know you'll be jumping through hoops to make it actually work? Whatever your goals may be, write them down and give yourself a date you want to complete then by.  This will keep you on track and alleviate a lot of potential stresses.

2. It's not "if", it's "when".  Busy or not busy, that is always my attitude but I know for a lot of people that is not the case when it comes to exercise.  It tends to be the first activity to take a backseat when in reality it should be the one thing to keep you going through it all.  It's so important to take some time for yourself, alleviate some stress and keep those endorphins flowing.  Find a workout buddy and hit up some good classes to get you in and out in an hour.  There is always time for the things you make time for.

3. Eat as much real food as possible.  When you're at all your holiday parties and you're worried about putting on that winter weight, take the time to scan all the food.  Eat as much real food (real as in not processed) as you can and only a little of the unhealthy choices.  You're always safe with the protein and veggie and fruit trays.  Fill up the majority of your plate with those kind of choices and then pick a few of your favorite holiday dishes and treats.  Watching your alcohol consumption is always a plus too.

4. Enjoy your time.  Focus on the people and things that matter and push all the other stresses out of your life.  This really should be a rule of thumb all year long but especially during the holidays.  Sometimes we lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas, it's important to keep yourself in check and know this time is about giving, family, friends and togetherness.

Less than two weeks before Christmas and I couldn't be more excited...set some goals get your workouts planned and just enjoy your holiday.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Stretching Should Be Your New Best Friend.

I know I have done a flexibility post before but it is just so important that I'm going to bring it again. This time I'm going to incorporate some props you can use to help deepen some basic stretches without needing a stretching buddy.

All you need is a towel, a belt or if you have a yoga strap laying around that would be ideal. Don't go out and buy anything special as it's easy to improvise and just use something lying around the house.  I am going to use a towel and show you some great stretches to increase flexibility.

The first stretch is your basic hamstring stretch.  Place the towel

around the ball of one foot. Laying on your back with the other leg straight out, pull up on the foot with the towel making your leg go perpendicular with your body. As you slowly pull your leg towards you remember to keep your other leg as straight as possible. The goal is to get your leg straight so if you need to release the leg down a little bit that is just fine. Push through the ball of your foot at the same time as you pulling forward and hold the stretch. Breathe through it and hold for at least fifteen second.

Place the towel in your right hand. Keep your other leg straight still and gently lower your straight leg down to the right side.  Your toes should be pointing up towards the ceiling and your opposite shoulder should be pushing down towards the ground to keep your back flat.  You will feel this stretch in your groin, inner thigh and possibly behind the knee and/or in your hip depending on your hip flexibility.

The last stretch in this position is similar to the last but on the other side of your body.  You will hold the towel in your left hand with the still on the ball of your right foot.  Keeping both
legs straight, gently lower your right leg across your body to towards the floor.  Keep your right shoulder pressed to the ground to give you a good lower back stretch.  To add some variety to this position, you can bend your knee to a 90 degree angle to deepen the stretch in the back.

The last stretch you will be on your stomach, the towel or strap will be placed across the toe of your right foot.  Bend your knee, bringing your heel to your glute.  To deepen the stretch, try to gently lift your knee with the towel off the ground. This stretch will be felt in primarily the quad muscle.

Stretching should be performed at least once a day. It doesn't take very long and the benefits over time are very significant to your health and ability to perform everyday activities.   Now get to work and as the snow starts to fall this winter, drive safely :)


Monday, November 25, 2013

Take The Time To Be Prepared.

I have been on the go a lot lately.  I feel like I have just enough time between work or exercise or a social activity to change and get ready for the next.  I'm sure a lot of you feel the same way...especially during the holiday season.  The saying 'so little time so much to do' really rings true for me. 
The first thing to take a backseat when I get super busy is my meal preparation.  I try every night to get my day organized.  I lay out my clothes, I pack my snacks and I try to think ahead so if I can't go home, I don't have to take a pit stop somewhere for a meal.  On occasion I do and I make good choices but if I'm going to spend a decent amount of money at the grocery store every week, that is the food that I don't want to go to waste.  So to keep my life on track and not feel like my nutrition struggles, I am going to attempt to follow these tips.
1.  Pick a couple hours a week to spend preparing meals for the week.  Typically for me this would be Sunday sometime.  I usually have something going in the crockpot.  I will make rice or quinoa in a bigger quantity to last me the whole week.  I also like to try new recipes now and again.  Last week was taco salad with seasoned ground chicken. I keep in mind what I have going on that week so I can figure out how many meals I need to pack into separate containers to grab and go. If you're okay with leftovers,  plans some meals that are large enough that they can last you a few days. 
2.  Cut up fruits and veggies right after you get home from the store.  I have much better success eating a balance of fruits and veggies if they are washed, cut up and put in containers on my busy days.  They are good fillers and you can consume as many veggies as you want throughout the day.  What better snack is there than that?  Fruits are great too, you just have to watch your sugar consumption. 
3. Pack food for the day the night before.  Most of the time I'm pretty good at doing this though I tend to struggle when it's getting towards the end of the week.  Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches usually become a meal and sometimes days just get thrown together with whatever I have left.  I don't like hodge podge days so I am going to try to be better about preparing my grocery list as well as making sure I have enough food to last me the whole week.
4. Remember to hydrate all day.  I like water and I have good intentions each day to drink enough and then some depending on what my workout is but sometimes it gets away from me.  A good rule of thumb is to drink a glass of water before and with every meal.  It is so important to stay hydrated especially if you work out almost every day like I do.
5. Have snacks available when you're on a tight schedule.  I'm not a huge fan of most granola or protein bars because they are high in calories, they typically have a lot of fillers you don't need to consume and I don't feel full very long after I eat one.  With that said, it's better than nothing especially if you are on the move all day long.  There are a few granola bar choices that only have five or six ingredients and they taste good.  The more natural ingredients, the better. 
There is always time to get your week organized just like there is always time to get a workout just have to plan for it and stick to your plan.  My best feeling weeks are the ones that start and end with good meals and proper hydration.  Good nutrition is so important when it comes to a busy lifestyle.  The better you feel, the easier it is going to be to wake up each morning and tackle the day.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Roasting and Baking and Eating...Oh My.

I bought some cod from Trader Joes and received three beets in my Brewers Organics order this week.  Nothing like having good easy recipes for both.  They require very little ingredients and the prep time is minimal. 
Here's all you need to make baked fish:

Baked Cod (or any white fish you like)
 Aluminum Foil
Baking Pan
Salt & Pepper
Coconut Oil

1.Preheat oven to 450 degrees.  Line the baking pan with aluminum foil to make cleaning up super easy.  Grease the foil with coconut oil.
2. Place the white fish in the pan.  I used a plastic glove to lightly spread coconut oil on the fish.
3.  Salt and Pepper to taste.  You can really use any spices you like to season the fish. 
4. Cook for 8-12 mins and let sit for a couple minutes before eating.

The roasted beets are prepped very much like the fish. Here's what you need:

Baking Cookie Sheet
Aluminum Foil
Coconut Oil
Sea Salt
2-3 Smaller Sized Beets

1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.  Line the cookie sheet with aluminum foil and grease the pan with coconut oil.
2. Wash the beets really well since they are usually pretty dirty veggies.  Cut the ends off of them but there is no need to peel them.
3. Spread coconut oil over the beet and lightly salt to taste.
4.  Roast for 45 minutes and just check to see if they are softer and tender.  When they are fully cooked, the skin should be very easy to peel off.  I typically wear a glove so my hands don't get dyed bright pink.

These are two great healthy recipes that I really enjoy.  I am all about easy and minimal prep and clean up.  I would add a small garden salad to this meal to get more veggies in for the day.  Enjoy!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hungry? Why Wait...Fuel Up For Workouts Properly

It's very important to properly fuel your body before every workout.  Almost all cases when a client starts to feels nauseous or light headed during a session came down to the simple fact that they didn't eat anything or they didn't eat enough to get them through the workout.  Once they feel better, they usually admit to the fact that they didn't want to feel sick from eating too much so they didn't eat anything. 

With that said, it is important to try to eat 30 minutes to an hour before your workout. There is a range for this because every body is different.  Some feel sick if they eat too close to workouts and others can eat right before they start and not be effected by it at all.   A good rule of thumb is it is always better to eat something rather than nothing.  Not eating enough can affect the intensity and duration of your workout as well as how much energy you sustain throughout. 

So here is a list of ideas for pre workout snacks.  They are all easy to prepare and they will give you just what you need to work hard and feel energized the whole time.  It is also important to eat foods that are easy for the body to digest.  Depending on how long your workout is, you may need to eat another small snack, especially endurance workouts such as running.

Pre Workout Snack Ideas:

  • 1 tbsp. Peanut/Almond Butter and Banana
  • 1 Waffle and 1 tbsp. Peanut Butter
  • 1 serving Rolled Oats and 1 serving of Berries
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread
  • Greek Yogurt with 1 serving of Fruit (watch the sugar content in the yogurt)
  • String Cheese and 1 serving Whole Wheat Pretzels
  • Protein Shake (if you are into taking supplements, your body will absorb these pretty quickly.  Make sure you look at the nutrition facts of these types of supplements.)
  • Scrambled Eggs/Egg Whites with Toast/Bagel
Your body is an amazing machine.  It will do whatever it has to do to get you through whatever you're doing even if it doesn't have all the right fuel.  That is why it is important to get the most out of your workout and eat right depending on what your exercise of choice is for that day.  If you have to eat closer to your workout than you would've liked just eat a smaller snack.  Listen to your body, it usually does a good job telling you when it needs something.  Have a great week and drink a lot of water :)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Fried Rice...The Healthy Remix Recipe.

It's about that time again for another easy recipe that tastes great, doesn't take a lot of time and incorporates a lot of fresh veggies. 

For breakfast, I typically have eggs with different vegetables depending on what I get in my delivery that week.  My favorites are mushrooms, zucchini and for some extra protein, I like to add some edamame to the mix and sometimes I'll throw in some spinach.  I wanted to make something similar that I could enjoy at lunch that would incorporate some good carbs and fill me up. So I decided to make a healthy version of fried rice with veggies.

Vegetable Fried Rice

1 c. dry brown rice - I typically use the minute rice or something quick that can cook while I am preparing the veggies.
1/2 c. onions, diced
Coconut Oil - You need just enough for sautéing the veggies.  Coconut oil is my favorite because I think it adds some good flavor to the mix.
3-4 c. veggies of your choice - zucchini, mushroom, peppers, edamame, spinach and  broccoli are just some ideas but you can add whatever you'd like.
2 eggs - If you don't want to the egg yolks, you can always use three egg whites.
Spices - salt, pepper, garlic or onion powder to taste.
1/4 c. soy sauce OR salsa - I've actually used salsa the last couple of times I've made this and it tastes really good without the salty taste of soy sauce.  Either will work just fine depending on your preference.

1. Cook the rice according to the box and let stand until it needs to be added to the recipe.
2. Heat the coconut oil over medium heat. Cook onions for a couple minutes until they become transparent and then stir in the veggies and cook until soft. 
3. Push the cooked vegetables to the side of the pan and crack the eggs into the pan.  Let cook for a few minutes before mixing everything together.  Stir in soy sauce or salsa.
4.  Once most of the liquid from the soy sauce or salsa have mixed in, add the rice and stir until warm.  Voila! 
5. Enjoy!

I hope this will add some variety to your menu this week.  Since I'm only cooking for one, sometimes I will cut the recipe in half so I don't end up wasting the leftovers I wasn't able to get to.  I hope you have a wonderful week and make sure you're drinking lots of water and eat lots of  fruits and veggies of course.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Embrace the Small Successes.

Today was the day for me to finally run my 10k.  I must say it was a strange experience to run a race that I actually trained for.  Usually I just wake up and run it and then I'm sore for the next week because I shocked my body and it got mad at me.  It was a good feeling to actually feel prepared.  I was able to set some expectations for myself on how I wanted to do based on how my training leading up to it went.

I think goal setting is essential for success.  I have learned a lot about myself just by deciding to try running outside for 30 days.  Obviously I didn't run everyday but I averaged about three days a week.  I would have never been able to run what I did today at the pace that I did without that initial goal in mind and the execution of my plan.  I found that my weekly goals were just as important in my success as signing up for the race itself.   I really don't mind running after all, I would've never thought that.  I learned to give things a try more than once (the only thing I admittedly will never try again is hot yoga) and allow my body to get used to it before I give up and quit.  My body learned to endure through the hot and the cold, the long and the short distances.  I'm glad it is over but the journey to the finish line paid off and I'm proud of myself.

Here are some things I want you think about...

Think about your workout routine.  Do you feel like you get everything out of it that you want to?  Is it fun or over time do you get bored with it?  Do you set small goals for yourself or do you find yourself always just after a large long term goal?

I ask you these questions because sometimes I feel like people go through the motions.  They show up at the gym and think that's enough.  If you are going to invest your time at the gym, it's important to know what you want out of it and work hard towards obtaining that.  You should be feel like you got what you wanted out of your workout.  I find that even though I don't sweat as much during a tough yoga class, stretching and flexibility for me is a different kind of hard.  I have a goal in mind for each workout.  For yoga, at the end of class I want to feel more flexible, relaxed and refreshed.  It's important to have those thoughts in my mind otherwise I would think I didn't do enough.  In reality, flexibility is just as important for my body as getting my heart rate up. 

If you're bored at the gym, try something new.  You never know if you like something if you never give it a try.  We are creatures of habit and sometimes become content with what we are doing because it's easy and familiar.  Last week I tried a barre class.  I thought I would need a tutu and we would be working on stretching and plies and a lot of ballet inspired moves.  I was completely surprised at how much I liked class and how many ballet moves we didn't do.  My abdominals were contracted almost the entire class.  My muscles were worked in a completely different way than I would normally work them but the burn was the same, if not more intense than it usually is.  I was apprehensive to try it and so happy I did in the end.  It's another thing to add to my list of activities I want to incorporate into my weekly schedule now and all it took was for me to take a step outside my comfort zone.

Small goals and small successes are the stepping stones to getting to your ultimate goal.  Whether it be losing a pound a week or being able to run for fifteen minutes straight, it doesn't matter as long as you always have something to work towards.  Those small goals will help you get to your 30 pound weight loss goal or your half marathon.  I like to feel some sort of success every week and I think everyone should.  It gives you the push to keep on keeping on. 

So this week take a good look at what you're doing and set a goal for yourself.  Try something new.  Allow yourself to find success somehow on a small scale.  Embrace your body and listen to it.  You only get one after all. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Finding Ways to Control My Sugar Cravings.

One of the questions I typically ask clients when I'm getting to know them is what is your biggest downfall when it comes to eating?  For some (or maybe I should say most) people, it comes down to portion sizes and lack of will power.  I like to eat and I know that if I wasn't aware of the effects it could have on my body, I could eat a lot of not-so-good food in large quantities without even thinking about it.

 Over the years, I have learned a lot about nutrition and diet and for the most part I do a really good job eating right and fueling my body properly.  I have said from day one though that I'm far from perfect and I have my days where my eating habits are not the greatest.  Luckily, I work out enough to carry me through those subpar days and I can feel guilt free and resume my healthy eating habits the next morning.

The reason this topic popped into my head was because we all have that one food group that tempts us the most.  For some it's carbs...breads, pastas, chips, you name it.  For me, it's my sweet tooth that gets the best of me sometimes.  So I have found a couple of healthy recipes that have helped me curb my sugar cravings.  It gives me that sweet taste I feel like I need without all the sugar and processed ingredients.  I personally have found that if I don't completely cut it out of my diet, I'm less likely to binge on it some other time.

All in all, find what works for you to help you reduce your cravings even if it is simply substituting your favorite snack for a healthier one with ingredients you enjoy  but are also better for you. 

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Banana Cookies
  • 3 bananas
  • 2 cups old-fashioned oats
  • 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • Dash of cinnamon (optional)
Preheat oven to 350°F.  Mash bananas in a large bowl, then stir in remaining ingredients. Let batter stand for approximately 20 minutes, then drop by spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired. Bake 10-12 minutes.  When they are done you can always put half of the batch in a freezer bag and save them for later.  It should make about 30 cookies and will only be around 50 calories per serving.

The other idea I came across not too long ago was Kefir popsicles.  I have talked about Kefir in one of my previous entries and here's a little review of what it is in case you don't remember.  Kefir is a fermented probiotic milk product similar to yogurt but not quite as thick.  Probiotics are beneficial in helping with GI functions as well as pushing the bad bacteria out of the small intestines during the digestive process.

All you really need for kefir popsicles is a plastic popsicle tray with usually six compartments to fill and then stick in the freezer.  You could also just use an ice cube tray and it would work just fine.  Pick the Kefir of your choice and also a frozen fruit that would complement it well.  I think one of my favorites is strawberry kefir with chunks of strawberries in it.  Mix the kefir and fruit, fill the tray up and pop it in the freezer and boom, you've got yourself a frozen treat with not only less sugar but also many more health benefits for your body. 

It is not hard to find healthy alternatives, you just have to make sure you are prepared.  It is much easier to not be tempted when you know you have another treat that will be just as satisfying.  Make good choices this week and try to be creative with healthy foods.  If eating gets boring that's when we turn to bad choices.  Don't let cravings distract you from your goals.  Consider them a speed bump along your nutritional journey and find ways to get over these bumps with healthy ideas to fall back on like I have. Happy eating everyone.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Time to Slow Life Down and Stretch.

When it comes to exercise, I have always been open to trying new things and switching my workout up depending on what I think my body needs or the goals that I want to accomplish. Back in July, I decided I wanted to give running outdoors a try.  Well, I am happy to report that outdoor running has become something I really enjoy...most days at least.  I used to be a treadmill runner and now I find it much more difficult and quite frankly, just plain boring.  I can honestly say I am surprised that I stuck with my training and I'm all signed up for a 10k in a couple weeks that I will be completely prepared for.  I would've never come to this conclusion if I didn't give something I thought I would absolutely hate a chance. 

The reason I am bringing this back up is because I have decided to give another form of exercise a try...again.  A while back, I tried out a yoga class.  It was okay and I tolerated it but I never felt like I was getting a good workout from it.  Most of the time, I'm completely wiped out and sweaty after a workout.  I think because of my athletic background, I've always been a high intensity exerciser.  It is hard for me to turn off my thoughts and take the time to let my body rest, stretch and recover.  

Well I have come to the realization that rest is just as important sometimes as working out.  That's where yoga has come back in.  It is a time I can deload, let go of my thoughts and just enjoy the quiet for an hour.  It also allows me to get in the stretching my body desperately needs.  It compliments my workout regimen perfectly and I plan on incorporating it in my weekly routine once or twice a week.  It will help my running, eliminate some of my soreness because my muscles will be more flexible and can endure more and it will also increase my balance.  I am excited to have found another new thing to try and yet another goal to work towards.  

Here are a few basic poses I have found beneficial to me.
Cat/Cow: these are great back stretching exercises.
Cat: Start in a four point kneeling position with hands shoulder width apart and stacked below your shoulders and knees hip width apart stacked below your hips.  As you exhale, arch your back and drop your chin toward your chest. 
Cow: You will switch back and forth between cat and cow.  After the exhale of cat pose, you will inhale into cow pose.  Hollow out your back, keep your abdominals contracted but your core should lower towards the ground a bit as you hollow out your back.  Raise your head to look up.  Continue the cycle of cat and cow in line with your breath.

Child's pose: this is another stretch for the back.  It allows you to relax and stretch the lumbar spine.  Knees should be at the edges of your mat with your big toes touching.  Sit back onto your heels and stretch your hands out in front of you.  You can also move your hands to one side to include a side stretch.

Downward dog: this pose will stretch and strengthen the back and hamstrings and help improve circulation. Laying on your stomach, you are going to curl your toes under and raise your hips.  Think about trying to push the crown of your head towards the mat, relax the neck and shoulders and lengthen the back.  You can also pedal your heels to feel a good calf stretch as well.

Low lunge: this will stretch hips, quads and hamstrings as well as strengthen these muscle groups.  Start in a lunge position and drop your back knee to the mat. Bring your hands up above your head , breathe and hold the stretch. 

Take the time this week to think of something you've always wanted to try but never did for one reason or another and just do it.  Give it a go and you may find that you really like it.  It takes thirty days to make or break a habit so give it a fighting chance.  I've learned that sometimes it takes a couple classes or tries before you get comfortable with the unfamiliar.  Allow your body to adapt to it and get used to it before you give up.  Who knows you may be running 10Ks and be able to touch your toes if you give it all you got.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Squash Time.

Squash is coming on to the scene and it sure is good.  I have an acorn squash and a spaghetti squash as well sitting in my kitchen waiting to be cooked.  The last time I cooked an acorn squash I used a simple recipe and it was so delicious and healthy. 

Baked Acorn Squash:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Cover a baking sheet with aluminum foil to reduce clean up time.  Using a sharp knife, cut the squash in half and remove the seeds. 

I used a plastic bag on my hand and spread coconut oil on the inside and the outside of the squash. Feel free to use salt and pepper or any other spices you like to give it some flavor.  Bake in the oven for 40 minutes.

It has become popular to substitute noodles for spaghetti squash.  Here is a yummy spaghetti sauce recipe to pour over the squash.  Feel free to cook the spaghetti squash the same way I cooked my acorn squash.  You probably won't need to spice it because the sauce will have plenty of flavor.

Spaghetti Meat Sauce:
28 oz. tomato sauce (I use organic with sauces, just be aware of the sodium content)
28 oz. diced tomatoes
1 lb. ground beef or ground turkey
1 onion, diced
1 pkg mushrooms, sliced
1 tbsp. basil
1 tbsp. pepper
garlic powder to taste
1 zucchini, diced (optional)

1. Brown the meat and make sure once cooked to drain the excess fat.
2. In a skillet, sauté the veggies using coconut oil.
3. Once the veggies are cooked, add the tomatoes, sauce, spices and meat to the mix. 
4. Serve over your cooked spaghetti squash.

I love the fall and the food that comes along with it.  The four seasons allow us to mix up our meals throughout the year which is nice.  Variety in our diets is the key to being able to eat healthy and stay on track for the long term.  Get ready to carve those pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns and enjoy this spin on spaghetti.  It's also a great time of year to get outside and run.  Enjoy the breeze without humidity and get fresh air before the winter comes.  Happy October everyone.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Why Does My Low Back Hurt?

One of the most common complaints that I hear from clients but also have experienced myself is low back pain.  I have learned in my years of training that this stems from more than just weak abdominals. 

When people say 'core' typically you just think of your stomach muscles and low back.  What they realize is it also includes your booty muscles, serratus anterior and posterior, erector spinae and your lats.  With that said you have to stretch and strengthen a lot more muscle groups than just your abdominals to reduce low back pain. 

My glutes and hamstrings are the main muscle groups that I've been working on to ensure my low back feels good.  It's not always about strengthening...also remember to stretch to increase flexibility in your lower body.  You can go back into the archives of my blog and check out my stretching entry to get you started.

The most important kind of training for strengthening the glutes is unilateral training.  This simply means working one side of your body at a time.  Everyone has a dominant side and unilateral movements allow each glute to work equally as hard to perform the exercise.  It doesn't allow your dominant side to compensate for the weak.  This also will allow you to make gains in leg exercises that involve both legs working at the same time like a squat. 

So what are some basic glute exercises that will increase strength?  Here are a number of body weight exercises that you can start with.  Enjoy the downtown Milwaukee atmosphere and the blinding sun in these photos.  What a beautiful day it is today and why not lay in the grass on Water Street after a great cup of Collectivo (it will always be Alterra to me) Coffee and perform them for you. Side note: don't exercise in sandals like I am.  I simply forgot to take them off and always have good footwear on when I'm working out.

Glute Extensions:  Lay on your back with your hands at your side and your knees bent with feet flat on the ground.  Lift your hips and squeeze your glutes at the top of the exercise.  Lower your hips back down and repeat.

Single Leg Glute Extensions: You will start in the same position as glute extensions except one leg will be up in the air.  Lift your hips, squeeze your glutes at the top and lower hips back down. Repeat.

Hydrants:  The 'look like a dog peeing on a hydrant' exercise.  Start on all fours with your back nice and flat.  Stack your hands below your shoulders and your knees below your hips.  Bring your bent leg up so your leg is parallel with the ground and lower back down.  Don't forget to do both sides.

Side Leg Raises: Start in the same positions as hydrants.  Try to stretch your leg straight out so it is perpendicular to the rest of your body.  If your hips don't allow that kind of flexibility, decrease the angle of your leg.  You are going to lift and lower your leg without touching down.  Think of it as more of a pulsing movement.  Switch sides.

Hip Circles: Start in the same position as the last two exercises.  Kick one leg back, lift your hip and circle your leg back around to your starting position.  You will go the opposite direction as well.  Bring your knee into your chest and then lift your hip in a circular motion.

Forward Lunges and Lateral Lunges: Forward lunges that I have talked about in a couple of my blog entries (go back to my 'No More Excuses' entry if you need a refresher) are a great exercise to increase glute strength.  Another great lunge exercise is a lateral lunge.  Start with feet together and take an oversized step to the side.  Both sets of toes should face forward the entire exercise. The leg that you step out with is going to bend while the other leg stays straight.  Do all your repetitions on one side and then switch to the other.

Here's a quick workout sample for you to try:

Glute Extensions - 3x25
Single Leg Glute Extensions: 3x15/leg
Hydrants: 3x25/leg
Side Leg Raises: 3x25/leg
Hip Circles: 3x25/leg, make sure you go both directions so you will end up doing 50 repetitions total on each leg.
Forward Lunges: 3x15/leg
Lateral Lunges: 3x15/leg
*Don't forget to include stretching of your hamstrings, glutes and hip flexors in this rotation as well.

I would go through each exercise once and then start at the beginning and go through them two more times.  If you don't have as much time, just go through the exercises twice.

I will leave you with this thought.  As we were walking downtown we passed this:

We all have choices.  We have choices to see the glass half full or half empty.  This week try to choose a positive thought even if your first inclination was to think of the negative.  Attitude can be a driving force towards obtaining your goals or a road block constantly getting in your way.  Try to take the high road and embrace all the great things in your life. Work hard, stay positive and keep your goals in the forefront of your mind.  


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Easiest but Tastiest Salsa Chicken Recipe

I made a great crockpot meal the other day that was so tasty and probably the easiest recipe yet.  I wanted to make a meal of it so I also cooked some quinoa and a 16 bean mix to add to it.

I actually cooked the bean mix a few days prior to making the chicken in the crockpot.  I just followed the bag instructions and let the beans cook for about 8 hours.  I would suggest adding salt, pepper and spices to the cooking mix because they will be very bland if you don't.  Some ideas would be garlic powder, onion powder, minced garlic or even thyme and rosemary.

Here is the easiest recipe ever...
Salsa Chicken
1 package boneless, skinless chicken tenders
1 jar salsa, I used black bean and corn salsa.  It gave the chicken a smokey chipotle flavor and made my apartment smell so delicious. 

1 cup quinoa (cooked separately)

All you have to do is put the chicken and salsa in the crockpot on high for a few hours. Once the chicken starts to cook and the salsa starts to sizzle, turn it on low and keep it in there for another few hours.  I left mine in the crockpot for six to eight hours and the chicken just fell apart and was so tender.  The salsa is a great topping to go with the meat and quinoa.

The quinoa should be rinsed and the cooked according to the package.  Put one half cup of quinoa on the bottom of a bowl and top it with beans and a few chicken tenders and the salsa.  Salt and pepper is optional but gave the quinoa and beans more flavor.  I live by myself and was about to get 4-5 meals out of this.  It makes being busy much easier when I have prepared my meals ahead of time. Enjoy!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Mason Jar Overnight Oats

Do you find yourself hitting the snooze button a couple extra times in the morning and then rushing around trying to get out the door on time?  Well for me, I end up hitting the snooze button about three more times than I should and then I have on average about 10-12 minutes to get dressed, brush my teeth, put my contacts in, make breakfast and pack snacks.

So I came across a recipe that is now one of my new favorite on the go breakfast meals.  You make it the night before and just add a few ingredients in the morning and it's ready to go.  The less time I have to spend prepping, the better.

So here are the ingredients that I've used, though you can pretty much add or take out whatever you want depending on what kind of fruit you like.

Overnight Oats
I used a mason jar to make it in. It's a great portion controller and has a lid so you can save some for later if you get full.

1 cup milk.  I used almond milk but you can use regular milk, coconut milk etc.
1/2 cup rolled oats
1 banana, peeled and smashed, optional.  I've thought about trying it with berries or peaches.
1 tbsp. chia seeds
1 tbsp. hemp seeds
1 tbsp. peanut butter
1 tsp. agave nectar.  You can also use maple syrup or honey.

1. Mix all ingredients besides the peanut butter and agave nectar in a mason jar.  Let sit overnight and then add peanut butter and agave nectar in the morning. Stir well.

I love it because I can eat some for breakfast and the rest for my mid morning snack.  It's very filling and has great flavor.  You can add or take out most of the ingredients and make it your own with whatever you like best. 

Add in a cup of tea or coffee with it on those colder mornings and enjoy. Go Packers!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

No More Excuses...

Today was one of those days where I had an internal conversation about why I didn’t want to go workout.  “I’m so tired…I worked a full morning…my kitty is being lazy, I can be too…the gym is probably going to be really hot…I will get hungry and run out of energy mid workout…”  What did I do?  I got myself up before I even attempted to nap and decided that I’d probably feel a lot better once I was finished and worked hard.  My intuition was right.

There are always excuses that can be made when it comes to exercising and eating right.  There are going to be birthdays, holidays, hot days, cold days, sick days, sad days and tired days.  These will all tempt you to eat too many snacks and too much dessert or make you just want to stay in bed. Take it from me, it’s hard to be self motivated all the time on top of motivating others all day being a trainer.  I make the choice though to exercise even on the hard days and let go of excuses and the obstacles that get in my way.

The reason I’m babbling on and on is because I have come up with a no excuse workout for you.  You can do it anytime, anywhere with zero equipment besides the thing you carry with you all the time…your body weight. 

Sidenote: There is nothing I make my clients do that I haven’t done before.  So I proceeded to have my photographer (thanks mom for all your help) take my photos and then got to work.  It didn’t take a lot of time, it got my heart rate up and I was sweating by the end.  Excuses are harder to make when you know your workout will be efficient and make you tired and sweaty…you just have to buckle down and do it.
Some of these exercises I've talked about before so parts will just be a review.  So here’s the break down:

Squats: Start with your feet shoulder width apart with both feet facing forward. Weight should be evenly distributed through toes to heels. To perform the exercise, pretend you have a chair behind you...sit your butt back first as you start to bend your knees.  The weight should shift into your heels and you should be able to lift up your toes at the bottom of the exercise.  The reason for this is to make sure your knees are protected.  The rule of thumb is your knees should never cross the plane of your toes. Try to get your quads and hamstrings parallel with the ground before you come back up to your starting position. 

Push Ups: I did the push up on my toes but you can always modify and start on your knees until you get a little stronger.  Start with your hands about shoulder width apart, back flat and think about pulling your belly button to your spine to contract your abdominal muscles.  You want to make sure that you are lowering your body towards the ground as a unit.  Your back should never arch as it puts a lot of strain on the wrong muscle groups.  As you lower your body, allow your elbows to bend to a 90 degree angle.  Then just push yourself back up to your starting position.

Split Jumps: The split jump is a little more complicated than the basic lunge because you will be adding a little bit of plyometrics to your movement. (If your body does not allow, just stay on the ground and do a basic lunge)  Start with your feet together and take an oversized step forward.  In this position you are going to keep good posture and instead of leaning into your front leg to perform the lunge, you are going to drop your back knee towards the ground.  This will ensure you are continuing to stand up tall and it will also protect those knee joints.  The same rule applies for lunges as they do knees should cross the plane of the toes. Once you are down in your lunge position, you are going to come up and jump into the next lunge switching your feet so the opposite leg is in front.  You will continue this lunge and jump motion for the duration of your set. 
Oblique Crunches: You are going to start by lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.  This is going to be a unilateral movement because we will work on one side of the body and then switch to the other.  Choose a side and drop your bent knees to one side of your body.  The motion is going to be the same as your basic crunch, you will just be working those obliques.  Remember to lift at your shoulders, not your neck and keep a space between your chin and your chest. Switch sides once you're done.

Burpees:  Don't let anyone convince you that burpees are terrible.  They are a wonderful exercise that will work your whole body and get your heart rate up...doesn't get much better than that.  You will start in a standing position with hands overhead.  Jump up off the ground and then bend your knees so that you can put your hands on the ground in the same position as your push up.  You are then going to two foot jump your feet back or walk one foot at a time back into your starting push up position.  Your back should be flat and hands should be stacked directly below your shoulders.  Jump or walk your feet back to your bent knee position and stand up to start the exercise over again with a small jump with hands overhead...see, how fun does that sound?

Plank Up Downs: Start in same position you started in for your push up.  Pick an arm and drop it down to your elbow followed by the other arm doing the same.  You will then be on both elbows in a plank.  With the same arm that you started with, push back up to a straight arm plank position followed by the other arm.  Switch the arm that you start with for each repetition.

Frog Jumps: These are one of my favorite animal exercises...start in a wide stance squat with your toes slightly turned to the side.  Squat down driving your knees towards your toes and once you're in the squatting position put your hands down on the ground but make sure you keep your chest up and shoulders back.  Jump up and then back down back into your squat.

Those all sound like fun right?  So just do 2-3 sets of 15 repetitions each exercise...if you need to take a break at any time, do so just try to complete this as quickly as possible while keeping good form.  Like I said before, there is nothing wrong with modifying any of these exercises.  You know your body and capabilities better than anyone so listen to your body and do what feels right.  If you can't keep good form at any time, take a little break and jump back into it when you can.  Push yourself and break a sweat.

Have a good week everyone and remember there are always going to be a millions things to do and a million reasons to not workout.  Buckle down, put your gym clothes and shoes on and just get there and do it.  Sometimes it's the getting there that's the hardest part...once you're there, keep your goals in mind and work hard.  If you don't belong to a gym all you need is a little space, time and energy and you can get back to your to-do list in no time. Don't allow your excuses to get in the way anymore.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Time To Dust Off The Crockpot...

Since summer is winding down I thought a crockpot recipe in honor of fall coming up would be perfect.  One of my favorite meals to make in the crockpot is chili. There are a million and one ways to make it but I think I have a solid traditional recipe you will enjoy as much as I do.

Crockpot Chili
2 lb ground beef (I've used ground turkey as well and it's also delicious)
1/2 c. onions, chopped
2 cans (14 oz) diced tomatoes...they have diced tomatoes with green chiles if you want to add a little kick.
2 cans beans - black, northern, kidney, red...these are all great choices and I usually choose two different ones to give it some variety.  My favorites are black beans and northern beans.
2 tbsp. white vinegar
3 tbsp. yellow mustard
1 tbsp. garlic powder
1 tbsp. chili powder
2 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. salt (optional)

1. Brown ground beef or turkey before adding it to the crockpot.
2. Add diced tomatoes, drain and rinse beans and add them to the mix.  Add the rest of the ingredients and spices and stir it all up. 
3. Let cook on high for 4-6 hours to let all the flavors mix together.  Since everything is already cooked before putting it in the crockpot, you can pretty much eat it whenever it's hot enough for you.  I personally like to let it cook for a while.

That's all there is to it.  You can add other Brewers Organics vegetables to it if you'd like too.  Some good choices would be green peppers, zucchini, yellow squash or mushrooms.   I typically put half in the fridge for the week and freeze the rest to eat later.  It's easiest to put it in good portion size containers and then you can just defrost it whenever you'd like.

In other news, I have been on a juicer hiatus for a while and today was the start of using it again.  I'm excited to start incorporating more veggies and fruit into my diet in the most concentrated form.  I am thinking about doing a 3-5 day juice reboot too.  Wish me up for you though is another great ab workout...stay tuned and have a great week.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Kettlebell Time.

I would like to introduce to you a gym toy called the kettlebell (KB).  It is basically a bell shaped weight connected to a handle for easy gripping and also allows you to be able pass it from hand to hand with ease depending on the exercise.  It is a great tool for full body exercises, getting your heart rate up and can also be used for many power and Olympic lifts that would typically be performed with a barbell.  I really like the kettlebell and like that there's countless exercises you can do with it. 
 I picked out some of my favorites that I'd like to share with you as well as a sample workout for you to try.  I will also give you a break down of what muscles you will primarily be using for each exercise.  I just had a client think that a bent over row was primarily working her triceps when in fact it has been focusing on her mid back.  So from now on I will always enlighten you on which muscles are getting stronger while you work.  Sometimes being aware of this will help you focus in on them a little more.  Before you know it, you will be a finely tuned machine.
KB Swings- glutes, low back, quads, hamstrings, core, shoulders. Start with your feet shoulder width apart and hold the kettlebell between your legs with both hands.  Make sure throughout the whole exercise that you are keeping your chest up and your shoulders back to promote good posture.  The most important part of the exercise is two fold.  The first part is a lower body drive.  As you begin to swing the kettlebell forward you want to think about bringing your hips forward until your legs are straight and squeeze your glutes together as you come to a standing position.  The quicker and more powerful you are with this lower body movement, the easier time you'll have controlling the kettlebell.  The goal is to get the weight parallel with the ground with each repetition you perform.  As you lower the kettlebell, you want to go back to your squat position with your chest up and shoulders back.  One of the mistakes that people make is they try to control the kettlebell with their upper body too much.  This will only burn out your shoulders and the chances of you being able to do a higher rep count won't be very high.  As long as you keep good posture and keep your chest up as the weight comes down you should be in good shape to perform another repetition.  The first time you try this exercise, don't worry so much about how high the weight goes but rather how much power you are getting from your glutes and hamstrings.  Remember hips comes forward and as your legs straighten to a standing position squeeze those glutes.

KB Sumo Squat to High Pull -  quads, hamstrings, shoulders, traps.  This exercise you will be starting in a little bit of a different stance than the swing.  Start with your feet farther apart and your toes should be on an angle.  When you squat in this position, you want to think about doing a plie like the ballerinas do.  Your knees should be going out towards your toes and you should feel a good stretch in those inner thighs.  The same rules apply though as far as keeping your chest up and shoulders back to promote good posture.  So to start the exercise you are going to squat down driving your knees towards your toes and as you come to a standing position you want to lead with your elbows and pull the kettlebell up towards your chin keeping it nice and close to your body.  At the top of you exercise, your elbows should be higher than the weight itself.  As you come back down you are going to fall right back into that plie position and repeat for the specified number of reps. 

Kettlebell Crunches - abdominals.  This is just a spin on a regular crunch.  You are going to start by laying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.  Whenever performing any type of crunch you want to make sure you aren't putting any extra stress on your neck so really concentrate on lifting up at your shoulders instead of coming forward with your head and neck first.  A good rule of thumb is to always pretend you have a tennis ball between your chin and your chest throughout the whole exercise.  You are going to hold the kettlebell by the handle with your hands on either side of the weight.  Your arms are going to start straight above your chest and as you lift your shoulders off the ground you want your arms to continue to stay straight and you want the kettlebell to raise straight up to about face level.  If you are looking for an extra challenge, use a lighter kettlebell to start and sit all the way up and back down with your arms straight.  At the top of this exercise, the weight should be above your head.

Kettlebell Single Arm Shoulder Press - Start by holding the kettlebell in one hand by the handle.  Your arm is going to start at a 90 degree angle with the weight resting on the back of your wrist to start.  The motion is going to be just like a press with a dumbbell as far as pressing it straight overhead and back down to that 90 degree position.  If the weight starts to get heavier and you can't press it without using your legs, add a little squat in to get some power from your lower body to help it up.

Quick KB Workout
15x KB Swings
15x/arm Single Arm KB Press
15x Sumo Squat High Pulls
25x KB Crunch
Repeat 5x
**Try to get through each set exercises as quickly as possible while maintaining proper form.  You can take a minute or two between each sets though to let your heart rate come down a bit. Push yourself and remember to exhale on the hard part of the exercise and inhale during the easy part.  For example, the hard part of the KB Swing is going to be when the weight is on the way up so exhale as you come up, inhale as you lower it back down. Have fun with it and always remember to keep good form.  If you are unable to, lower your weight and work your way up.