Sunday, October 13, 2013

Time to Slow Life Down and Stretch.

When it comes to exercise, I have always been open to trying new things and switching my workout up depending on what I think my body needs or the goals that I want to accomplish. Back in July, I decided I wanted to give running outdoors a try.  Well, I am happy to report that outdoor running has become something I really enjoy...most days at least.  I used to be a treadmill runner and now I find it much more difficult and quite frankly, just plain boring.  I can honestly say I am surprised that I stuck with my training and I'm all signed up for a 10k in a couple weeks that I will be completely prepared for.  I would've never come to this conclusion if I didn't give something I thought I would absolutely hate a chance. 

The reason I am bringing this back up is because I have decided to give another form of exercise a try...again.  A while back, I tried out a yoga class.  It was okay and I tolerated it but I never felt like I was getting a good workout from it.  Most of the time, I'm completely wiped out and sweaty after a workout.  I think because of my athletic background, I've always been a high intensity exerciser.  It is hard for me to turn off my thoughts and take the time to let my body rest, stretch and recover.  

Well I have come to the realization that rest is just as important sometimes as working out.  That's where yoga has come back in.  It is a time I can deload, let go of my thoughts and just enjoy the quiet for an hour.  It also allows me to get in the stretching my body desperately needs.  It compliments my workout regimen perfectly and I plan on incorporating it in my weekly routine once or twice a week.  It will help my running, eliminate some of my soreness because my muscles will be more flexible and can endure more and it will also increase my balance.  I am excited to have found another new thing to try and yet another goal to work towards.  

Here are a few basic poses I have found beneficial to me.
Cat/Cow: these are great back stretching exercises.
Cat: Start in a four point kneeling position with hands shoulder width apart and stacked below your shoulders and knees hip width apart stacked below your hips.  As you exhale, arch your back and drop your chin toward your chest. 
Cow: You will switch back and forth between cat and cow.  After the exhale of cat pose, you will inhale into cow pose.  Hollow out your back, keep your abdominals contracted but your core should lower towards the ground a bit as you hollow out your back.  Raise your head to look up.  Continue the cycle of cat and cow in line with your breath.

Child's pose: this is another stretch for the back.  It allows you to relax and stretch the lumbar spine.  Knees should be at the edges of your mat with your big toes touching.  Sit back onto your heels and stretch your hands out in front of you.  You can also move your hands to one side to include a side stretch.

Downward dog: this pose will stretch and strengthen the back and hamstrings and help improve circulation. Laying on your stomach, you are going to curl your toes under and raise your hips.  Think about trying to push the crown of your head towards the mat, relax the neck and shoulders and lengthen the back.  You can also pedal your heels to feel a good calf stretch as well.

Low lunge: this will stretch hips, quads and hamstrings as well as strengthen these muscle groups.  Start in a lunge position and drop your back knee to the mat. Bring your hands up above your head , breathe and hold the stretch. 

Take the time this week to think of something you've always wanted to try but never did for one reason or another and just do it.  Give it a go and you may find that you really like it.  It takes thirty days to make or break a habit so give it a fighting chance.  I've learned that sometimes it takes a couple classes or tries before you get comfortable with the unfamiliar.  Allow your body to adapt to it and get used to it before you give up.  Who knows you may be running 10Ks and be able to touch your toes if you give it all you got.

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