Sunday, June 8, 2014

Med Ball Circuit Time

Medicine balls can be bounced, thrown and slammed which makes them the perfect gym toy for this next workout. I have designed another circuit type workout with the med ball instead of the resistance band...though you very well could mix and match the two and get a great workout in that will get your comfortable with a few different pieces of equipment. 
So here we go:
Squat Swings
Med Ball Push Ups
Ball Slams
Seated Woodchops
Crossover Step Ups

45 seconds and switch to the next exercise giving yourself 15 seconds in between.

Squat Swings
Using the same rules of thumbs as always for squats, squat down with the ball in both hands hanging between your legs as you complete your squat.  As you stand, swing the ball up overhead until your arms are straight. Another option to make it a bit harder is throwing it up against a wall instead of just up overhead.  It's tough but gets that heart rate up.  You'll love to hate them.

Med Ball Push Ups

I did a toe push up example and also a modified push up on my knees.  I want you to do whichever option will give you the best range of motion.  It won't do you any good to do them on your toes if you can't do them properly so work on modified push ups until you get the hang of it and gain some strength.  Then get on those toes and rock it out.  The ball is going to be underneath one hand to start and you're going to do a full push up and then roll the ball to the other hand.  Keep alternating arms until the 45 seconds is up.  Welcome some chest burn into your life with this one.

 Ball Slams

Just like it says you're going to take the ball up overhead, bend those knees and keep your core tight and give it a good slam as hard as you can.  Some medicine balls are very bouncy so be careful and don't let it come up into your face.  Seems like something that could go unsaid but you'd be surprised, it happens.  Catch that ball up bring up back up over your head and repeat.  This will get your heart rate up and work that upper body and core.  45 seconds and go.

Seated Woodchops

Begin by bringing yourself into what is called a V-sit.  Lean back onto your sit bones and lean back as far as you can so that your core has to contract to hold you upright.  Your feet can be lifted or you can set your heels on the ground for a little support.  Bring the ball to one side with your abs tight.  Twisting through your core, bring the ball to the upper opposite corner.  You can rotate through your hips and really work that six pack.  At the halfway point, switch sides. 

Crossover Step Ups

Start on one side of the bench or step.  You can use a lower box if you need a modification to start and then work your way to a higher box.  Your outside leg is going to step up onto the box.  As you extend that leg to straight, the inside leg is going to come up and over the bench or box.  Then step down to the opposite side with your inside leg and then follow with your outside leg.  The ball can be up overhead to make it more challenging or hold it at your chest.  Work those leg muscles and strengthen those glutes.

Work around this circuit three times and have some fun.  Remember 45 seconds and give yourself 15 seconds to get into the next exercise.  Keep good form, drink water when you need it and burn it out!


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