Monday, March 17, 2014

Sets That Are Super.

In order to keep your workouts interesting and be efficient with your time, there is nothing better than supersets. There is not a workout that goes by that doesn't include them for me. What are these sets that are supposedly super you ask?  They are two exercises that you do one right after another that typically include two exercises of the same muscle group or two exercises of opposing muscle groups.  There are a million different combinations you can do that would be considered a superset but I came up with a few basics to give you an idea of what I may do in a typical lifting workout.

I incorporate them in my workouts and my client's sessions as well for a few reasons...

1. We are able to get through more exercises because of the short length of time needed to rest.  When you are doing a chest exercise followed by a back exercise, the rest time doesn't have to be as long since you are contracting different muscle groups.  If you are doing a chest exercise followed by  another chest exercise, you may need a little more rest time in between but not much if the weight is manageable but challenging.  The goal is to do both exercises before resting and repeating another set.

2. Everyone loves variety.  I would not be successful as a personal trainer if I did the same thing week after week with my clients.  Supersets give me the opportunity to spice things up and make my clients' workouts fun.

3. There's never enough time in the day so with supersets you can easily be in and out of the gym without feeling like you need to spend hours there to have success. 

Here's the workout plan:

*Two Upper body exercises paired*

Bench Press - Line your eyes up with the bar before you begin the exercise.  Bring the bar to your chest and back up in a controlled manner and repeat.  Inhale on the down motion and exhale on the up motion.

Pull Ups - There are ways to modify pull ups if you can't do an actual pull up.  Start with a jump pull up.  Jump up and pull yourself up at the same time and come back down to the ground to repeat.  Another way to perform a pull up is by jumping up and controlling your body on the way back down.  I only got good at pull ups by practicing and doing them consistently.  It's a pretty rad exercise if you ask me.

*Opposing Muscle Group*

Chest Flies - Lay on a flat bench with a pair of dumbbells.  Start with palms facing each other.  Fly the weights out to the sides with a slight bend in your elbows.  The dumbbells shouldn't go any lower than in line with your body then just bring them back up to the starting point and repeat. 

Dumbbell Bent Over Rows - Start with one knee up on the bench and a flat back.  Your hand should be stacked below your shoulder.  The dumbbell should be in the hand with the leg that isn't up on the bench.  Row the dumbbell up towards your rib cage keeping your back flat.  Lower the weight back down slowly and repeat.

*Same Muscle Group*

Dumbbell Shoulder Press - Start with your palms facing each other and the dumbbells at your shoulders.  Press straight up and back down to the starting point.  Remember to relax your shoulders so they aren't hugging your ears.

Dumbbell Lateral Raises - Start with the dumbbells at your sides or in front of you and raise them up until they are parallel with the ground. Lower them back down and repeat.

Supersets can be used in all kinds of different workouts whether it be a cardiovascular exercise paired with a strength exercise or a strength exercise paired with a stretch of the same muscle group.  There are a million different ways to do it.   Give it a try, they are super (pun intended)!

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