Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Little Workout Love Is All You Need.

In the spirit of Valentine's Day this week, I want to touch on something that I actually think is quite imperative to your success. It's really important to eat right and get in a routine at the gym which is why I spent a few weeks talking about those topics. Another key to positive lifelong changes is finding things, whether it be food or activities, that you love...even if it's a love/hate relationship. 

I think this rings true for everyone so it probably goes without saying but I find that the things I truly enjoy and love are the things I invest the most time in. Family and friends are at the top of my list but my health is right up there with them. I've said more than once that it's not 'if' I'm going to workout but 'when'. Not a day goes by, unless I plan in advance to take the day off, that I'm not finding time to fit in my workout. Usually when I'm in a time crunch (which is most days), I choose the activities I enjoy the most.

So how have I found workout I love and things I've become passionate about? I have expanded my horizons and I'm always up for trying new activities. Yoga is one activity that I've come to enjoy and I've added it to my weekly routine. Would I have thought in a million years that my boxing, lifting, sport playing self would be a room of calmness and quiet where I can focus on the present?  No way. But I tried it anyways and kept in mind what I personally wanted out of the class. I learned that I actually can achieve my goal of increased flexibility and quieting my mind from the normal hustle and bustle of my life and feel good afterwards. It was me taking a step outside my comfort zone and being open to new possibilities that really helped me. I encourage you to do the same. 

Think of a class or an activity you've always wanted to do but were too scared or too embarrassed to try. Take a chance and do it. There's a chance that you may not like it and you may feel uncomfortable at first. If that's the case, give it a few more tries. Sometimes it's simply takes getting acquainted with something new and in no time you'll feel comfortable and more confident and you might end up liking it. Who knows you might be really good at something you've never dared to try.

Don't wish, just do. How many times have you said, 'I wish I could run a 5k' or 'Someday I'll sign up for that mud run but I need to wait until I'm in better shape'. I've heard that countless times and my advice is always the same, just do it. Make the commitment and sign up for it. Set up a training program and keep your goal in mind at all times. There is never a better time to do something you've always wanted to do than right now. Don't wait because typically those moments pass you by.  Most people find joy and passion for things that they work hard for.  Who wouldn't like the feeling of accomplishing something you've always wanted to? Trust me, you'll love that feeling and it'll keep you motivated to set a new goal in the future.

My last piece of advice is surround yourself with a loving support system.  I really believe that these people can make or break it for you. Find friends and family that will encourage you, understand your goals and always keep them in mind when they are with you. There's nothing harder than being tempted by the people that are supposed to be helping you achieve your goals. They should have nothing but love for you and respect for what you're trying to accomplish. 

My hope for you all is to someday find the same kind of passion I've found in so many of the activities I've been a part of throughout my life. There's nothing better than finding something you love and enjoy. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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