Sunday, January 5, 2014

Bring It On 2014.

Happy New Year everyone! This always seems to be the time for 'out with the old and in with the new' goals, new changes, making new habits and breaking old ones. Though I strongly believe there's no better time than the present to set goals and reach them, I'm always happy to see new faces at the gym trying to make changes in their life at the start of a new year.  What I don't love to see is those faces disappearing after a month or two because they didn't get the results they wanted as quickly as they thought they would.  Remember, weight gain doesn't happen overnight...for most, it has probably taken months or even years.  Weight loss works the same way.  It's not a quick fix and it takes time, conscious thinking and energy to see the results you want.  So buckle up and get ready for the long journey won't be easy but you will be so happy you stuck with it and made changes that will affect you for the rest of your life.

I guess I would like to start off 2014 with a few tips to help you stay on track for the long haul.  I am just like everyone else...the holidays come, the parties start and the cookies are constantly tempting me.  I am ready to start the year off on the right foot and not allow these unusual habits in my life to continue.  Here are some of the things that have helped me along the way with setting new goals and getting motivated again.

1. Set both short term AND long term goals.  I find it easiest to stay in the present moment.  Weekly goal setting is very important.  There is never a week that goes by that I don't know what I'm going to be doing when...workouts included. If I set 'appointments' for everywhere I have to be during the week, I'm more likely to go because I do what I say I'm going to do when I say I'm going to do it.  Plan ahead for yourself.  Figure out what works for you and your schedule and be realistic about it.  I have come to learn that there is always time in your life for the things you want to make time for.  If the gym is somewhere you want to be at some point during each day, then figure out when that is and make it happen. 

Long term goals are the prize.  The weekly goal setting helps you keep your eye on that prize.  Make sure you know exactly what you want out of all your hard work.  Goals are made without worrying about being judged by someone else because they are your own.  You are the only one that can live the life you want.  Sit down and take time to figure out what kind of life that ideally is.  It's an exciting process and I highly recommend writing these goals down and showing them to your biggest support systems.  They will help give you an extra push to stay on track and cheer you on along the way.

2. Tackle one eating habit you'd like to change at a time.  If you don't hydrate yourself enough, work on getting more water in one week.  Do you have trouble with too much snacking?  After getting on track with drinking more water, try to incorporate snacking less throughout the day.  Are you a carb or sugar junkie?  Hydrate, snack less and try to fill up on good carbs and less sugar.  It's really easy to get overwhelmed by all the changes you need to make with your eating habits.  There's no point in trying to take them all on at once knowing full well you're not going to be able to be successful with each one at the same time.  This is a process remember? 

 Make eating changes that are going to last a lifetime not just be a temporary fix.  What's the point of eating a certain way knowing full well this is not a forever way of life.  With that said remember there are always going to be holiday parties and birthday parties to pull you away from the proper eating habits you've grown accustom to...that is okay.  If you have the proper groundwork in place already, those days aren't going to phase you long term. 

3. Variety is a good friend to have.  No one wants to be a one trick pony.  It is great to try and do a lot of different things to keep your body guessing.  Throughout my week there are at least four different kinds of workouts I enjoy.  Weight lifting, boxing and kickboxing, yoga and usually some kind of pilates or barre class.  I love being able to switch things up and have new activities to do each day.  The same old routine will become just that...old.  Find activities you enjoy and find a way to incorporate them into your week. 

4.  Find accountability.  Whether it may be a personal trainer or a workout buddy, do what you have to do in order to keep yourself on track.  I am a personal trainer and I have personal trainers that I work with each week to keep me going.  I always used to think that personal trainers were a luxury when in fact, they are an investment that are worth far more than the money you spend to see them each week.  I find them motivating, inspiring and they always push me outside of my comfort zone.  I would not be where I am today without them.

 I also have workout buddies that I love to sweat's fun, gives me one more reason to show up and make the commitment and it's pretty cool to have people in your life that are after the same things. 

I can't wait to start this new year off with a bang.  I'm going to bring the workouts, the recipes and the fun to help you with your goals and aspirations.  I can't wait to see what the year has in store for me...time to work hard, play hard and continue to grow into the person I want to be.  I'll leave you with you one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies...  'It's supposed to be hard, if it wasn't hard everyone would do it, the hard is what makes it great.'  It's not always going to be easy but the hard will be what makes it all worth it in the end.

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