Friday, May 3, 2013

Just the Beginning...


Where to begin?  Well, for starters I’m Ashley.  I’m 27 and I’m a Certified Personal Trainer and have been for four years and counting.  I work at two different gyms with two very different styles which I love as my days are never the same.  I have the wonderful opportunity to help people reach their health and fitness goals on a daily basis,  (though some days they forget that I have their best interest at heart; one of my clients told me just a couple days ago I don’t believe in letting them breathe).

  I have learned over the years that in order for me to be a successful trainer, I need to practice what I preach, Mostly… there are going to be off days for me too contrary to what some of my clients might think.  I truly enjoy working out and feeling good about myself and wish for nothing more than everyone I come in contact with to eventually have the same experience. 

My active life all started when I was six and sports became part of my every day.  My mom even let me try baton twirling which lasted for a couple years…too many leotards and pink roller filled nights for me. So I left my baton behind and ended up playing three sports in high school and continued on to play basketball at the collegiate level. 

I’m still involved in basketball, playing weekend pick up games and have been the Head JV Girls Basketball Coach at Brookfield Central for five years so far which I absolutely love.  I have to admit that the years when I was playing sports everyday were some of the best days of my life.  I have made lifelong friends, learned discipline, motivation and perseverance which have helped me become successful in my career. I guess what I’m really trying to say through all this babble is fitness and wellness, have always been a way of life for me. 

Along the way I have learned a lot about nutrition and diet as well.  I have learned what works for me and what doesn’t.  I want balance, moderation and variety when it comes to food…and some ice cream here and there. 

Which I guess brings me to the reason I decided a blog would be kind of a cool addition.  I’m a realist, though like everyone I have my moments, but overall I want to portray a lifestyle to my clients that is healthy and active.  

So this blog will be twofold: first of all, I will be focusing mainly on diet and nutrition.  The majority of the people I work with enjoy or at least tolerate the exercise part of a healthy lifestyle, it’s what they do outside the gym that holds them back. 

Secondly, since fitness is part of my every day, I will make it a part of yours too…or at least four times a week. Yes, I know some of you are shaking your head thinking to yourself, “psht, this girl is crazy.” With that said, I’m excited to get this blogging journey started and have Brewers Organics with me along the way.  I will take a time out from writing when Glee is on though to practice my singing skills.


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