Sunday, May 26, 2013

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things.

In the last couple of weeks, I've become really interested in expanding my food horizons.  There are so many foods and superfoods out there that are just waiting to be eaten.  Here are a couple of my new favorites...

The first superfood that I mentioned in my last entry are chia seeds. Chia seeds are a gelatinous food because of the gel like substance they become when they get wet.  This helps with the digestive process and clearing out the digestive tract.  They have 27 vitamins, minerals and amino acids as well as fatty acids. They also have 42% of our daily fiber intake.  A good place to check them out and get more information is  I'm sure after you read all of this, you have to be wondering how to incorporate these magical seeds into your diet.  Well, you can pretty much mix them into anything.  I usually mix it into my kefir or yogurt but I've also just put a serving into water and let them set a bit and just drank them down.  You can put them in your juice or smoothies too.  They are tasteless so the sky is the limit when it comes to consuming them.

I've had a bunch of people that have read my blog say to me that they haven't heard of many of the foods that I eat.  I'm going to go ahead and assume that Kefir is one of those. Kefir is a fermented probiotic milk product.  Probiotics are beneficial in helping with GI functions as well as pushing the bad bacteria out of the small intestines during the digestive process. I tend to just treat it like yogurt even though it's thinner and drinkable and mix in muesli (whole grain granola), chia seeds and hemp seeds.  I also try to avoid a lot of sugar so I buy the  plain and just add stevia or truvia to it.  Add it to your smoothies or I suppose you could mix it in your juices or simply drink it to reap the benefits of this fast absorbing food (faster than yogurt). Check out for more information.

I'd like to switch gears a bit and get into a little fitness  talk because I feel like it's been a while.  I hope you have been incorporating stretching in your exercise routines like I mentioned a few entries ago.  The next thing I suggest adding into your workouts if you don't already do them are some functional exercises.  They are called functional because they are motions that are used in everyday life. It can be something as simple as walking up stairs or sitting down and getting up from a chair.  The two exercises I'm going to introduce today are both just using body weight.  To challenge yourself you can always add weight as long as you are using proper form. 

The squat incorporates all lower body muscle groups such as quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes.  When doing a squat, it's very important to protect your knees so technique is essential. 

Let me take a moment and preface the photos...first of all, I never, I repeat, never work out with my hair down.  I'd pass out of heat exhaustion or drown in my sweat.  I just couldn't find my ponytail holder.  Lastly, fitness photos where people are smiling are unrealistic and look pretty silly though for this photo of showing where your feet should start would be super awkward if I just mean mugged the camera hence the cheesy smile.  So here we go, let's squat.  Start with your feet shoulder width apart with both feet facing forward. Weight should be evenly distributed through toes to heels.

To perfrom the exercise, pretend you have a chair behind you...sit your butt back first as you start to bend your knees.  The weight should shift into your heels and you should be able to lift up your toes at the bottom of the exercise.  The reason for this is to make sure your knees are protected.  The rule of thumb is your knees should never cross the plane of your toes.  You can start by putting a chair behind you and lightly touching down just to get a feel for sitting back and allowing your weight to shift.  Lastly, always keep your chest up and shoulders back.  Good posture is alway key for any exercise you do.

The lunge is a little more complicated than the squat but also works the quads, glutes and hamstrings.  Start with your feet together and take an oversized step forward.  In this position you are going to keep good posture and instead of leaning into your front leg to perform the lunge, you are going to drop your back knee towards the ground.  This will ensure you are continuing to stand up tall and it will also protect those knee joints.  The same rule applies for lunges as they do knees should cross the plane of the toes.

So there you have it.  If you're a beginner just start out with body weight.  If you're a little more advanced feel free to hold onto some dumbbells to make the exercises more difficult. 

Go three sets of 15 repetitions for each exercise and you should start to feel the hurts so good burn.  You can always up your rep counts to challenge yourself.  Ask my clients, I'm not afraid to do sets of 50 reps with them...gosh they're lucky...maybe that will be the Memorial Day special.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Day In The Life.

A couple days ago, I was talking to a client about nutrition and after about five minutes of healthy chatter, she asked me, "Well what do you eat every day?" I realized then that I'm asked that question quite often. Then the little lightbulb went on as I had just figured out what my next blog would be about. 

I try to take a realistic approach when dealing with clients and nutrition.  I know I've said it before but I'm not a perfect eater.  Some clients think it's just easier for me to keep my diet on track because I live the life of a personal trainer.  I feel like one of my jobs is to let my clients in on a little secret...that if there's a birthday party, I have cake and ice cream and if I go to a movie, I always eat popcorn. 

In the same breath, there aren't all that many times when I make unhealthy choices and one of the many reasons I work out six days a week is so I can enjoy special occasions once in a while and not feel guilty about it.   A healthy lifestyle requires consistency and discipline and just finding healthy choices that you actually like and can stick with.  There are so many fad diets out there that work temporarily until it's too hard to keep up and you quit.  The best diet to go on is the one where it doesn't feel like a diet.

 Exercise is very important and there are so many health benefits that come along with it.    My body has changed dramatically over the last four years because of the hard work I have put in and the amazing trainers that I work with at least three days a week.  

**Side Note: Even trainers need trainers for that extra push and accountability.  I wouldn't be where I am today physically if it weren't for their knowledge, support and motivation.  With that said, my body did the most changing when my diet (that didn't feel like a diet) was on point along with my exercise habits.  It all comes down to what you're consuming and how you're fueling your body.  From my experiences with clients, it seems to be the hardest part of the equation, resistance training + nutrition + cardio = success.

So enough's a day in the eating life of me.

12-16 oz juice containing carrots, apples and lemon
1/2 cup 100% whole grain rolled oats - I mix in a tablespoon of peanut butter (go chunky!) and a spoonful of coconut oil.  I also add chia seeds sometimes. Superfood #2...I'll get into these little guys next time.

Handful of Walnuts or Pumpkin Seeds
12-16oz green juice containing celery, kale, spinach, lemon, apples, cucumber and one teaspoon of spirulina.

Spinach salad with tomato, mushroom, 1/2 avocado, asparagus
2 tablespoons of Olive Oil and Vinegar dressing

1/2 cup Kefir - perhaps a better choice than yogurt that i'll also talk about next entry.
1/3 whole grain Muesli

Sometimes I'll have more green juice depending on hunger level as well as activity level that day.

Homemade Black Bean Burger
1 slice Ezekiel bread
1 tablespoon organic Ketchup
1/2 avocado

I always feel full and some days I'm hungrier than others so I just add in some other healthy foods and of course drink lots of water. Many of my clients have grown accustomed to food journaling which is super helpful to monitor where your calories are at throughout the day.  I suggest that as a starting place just to see what you're consuming...many are surprised by the amount of calories in.  Then you can figure out where you can start making some changes.

Well, it's a perfect day to grill out and use the great zucchini, potatoes and onions I got in my order this week and last. Enjoy the sun but make sure you wear sunscreen.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Stretching & Juicing..

5.11.13 Stretching & Juicing

So I realize I'm only 27...young, able bodied, healthy etc etc...but there are some days where I am starting to feel the 20 years of sports taking a toll on me. My knees crack and crunch when I bend down, my back hurts after certain lifting days and the range of motion in my shoulders just isn't what it used to be. I'm not writing this to have a mini pity party for myself, I actually had quite a wonderful awesome nephew had his four year old birthday party and I celebrated Mother's day with my mom and step dad. No pity parties allowed after a day spent with family.

I only write about these aches and pains because they brought me to the realization that I am in need of a change in my routine. It's so easy to get stuck doing the same exercises on the same day every week without fail so I've decided to start focusing on my flexibility. It is one of those things that I know is so good for me but if I run out of time or energy, I typically skip it.

The main muscle groups I've been trying to increase flexibility in are my hamstrings, hip flexors, glutes and quads. All of these areas contribute to my on and off low back pain so I'm trying to lengthen and strengthen. I've also been taking yoga at least once a week which encourages lower impact exercises to help with balance and flexibility. If you currently don't take the time to work on your flexibility, I highly suggest joining the stretch party and just start by spending five minutes post workout just cooling down and working on it. The more consistent you are with it, the faster the results and more than likely, the better you'll feel. Here are two simple stretches you can start with:

Runner Stretch is a great for hamstrings. Stretch that opposite arm over to reach for your toes to feel a nice pull in those lats as well.

This is a great stretch for hip flexors. If you can't grab your foot, that's okay, stay within your body's range of motion. Once you're in the correct position, try to sit up nice and straight for an even deeper stretch.

Back in the kitchen, I've been trying out some new food recipes as well as juice recipes. I've been using my juicer now for about three week now and I've really enjoyed it...though it takes a little bit of time to prepare, the nutrients I get out of each glass is well worth it. I actually enjoy healthy foods. I mean of course I was probably attracted to them at first because I know they are good for me but I actually really do like the taste. For me, fruits are a lot easier to consume so juicing helps me take in more veggies. Besides the color of the veggie juices, they are actually quite tasty.

Another plant based protein I've started incorporating in my juices is spirulina. It is actually a blue-green algae that is 65 to 71 percent complete protein (beef is 22 percent) with all essential amino acids in perfect balance. It also contains vitamin B12 which usually is only found in animal products. This superfood has helped me control cravings and has also helped balance out the decrease in meat protein in my diet. The label suggests one teaspoon a day and it's pretty flavorless. All you have to get past is the bright green color and the fact that it's algae.

So here's a good juice recipe to add one teaspoon of spirulina to:

1 cucumber

1 celery stalk

1 peeled lemon

6 kale leaves

*side note: Kale is a superfood...thanks Brewers Organics for adding this to the menu. It has the highest vegetable source of vitamin K and may help the risk of developing certain cancers. It’s a source of calcium, chlorophyll, calcium, iron, and vitamins A and C. Kale is low calorie and also a good source of minerals, copper, potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus. It promotes eye and skin health as well. (thanks for all your fun veggie facts)

2 handfuls of spinach

2 apples

*you can also add a peeled orange or some carrots to sweeten it up a little.

While you're enjoying your nutritious green drink, I'm off to figure out what to make with the world's largest zucchini I got in my order this week..


Monday, May 6, 2013

Inspiration: Hungry For Change

So it's the weekend...I'm always happy to relax a bit, spend time with my family and friends and just get myself ready for the next week.  Last weekend, I decided to make some healthy lifestyle changes. 

It all actually started when a documentary was brought to my attention.  Typically, Netflix gives me the opportunity to spend countless hours watching entire seasons of mindless dramas like Friday Night Lights.  Though I was really sad to say goodbye to all my friends in Dillon, Texas,  I can't say I learned much from it besides how not dramatic my life is compared to tv shows most days. 

 Well, in this instance I was told that I should watch a documentary called Sick, Fat and Nearly Dead.  It is about an Aussie, Joe Cross, who comes to the US for 60 days to go on a juicing fast. He was obese, unhealthy and suffering from a chronic disease that required him to be on many medications with numerous side effects.  He was closely monitored by doctors throughout his journey because all he consumed were fruit and vegetables in juice form as well as tea and water.  Long story short, he lost around 100 pounds and was able to stop all of his medications and to this day he is feeling great and is actually very well known for his choice to take a stand and change his life.

There was another documentary that piggy backed off of it called Hungry for Change.  This really impacted me.  So many of the foods that fill our grocery store shelves are terrible for us.  Partially hydrogenated oils, aspartame and sugar are just a few of the topics health experts tackle.  It was almost as if I had a mini epiphany by the end of the documentary.   I mean I eat pretty healthy for the most part.  I have my days where I struggle or have a social event or family party to go to where the temptations are endless.  But in my day to day, I tend to make good choices. I just realized that there are some new things I want to incorporate in my everyday.  

The main change I decided I wanted to make was to start using a juicer.  Vegetables and fruits in their purest state are the most nutrient rich. So that is what I have been doing for the last week.  The baseline of this 'diet' that doesn't feel like a diet is broken down as follows: 50% of daily calories should be from veggies and fruit, 25% from protein and 25% from whole grains.  The more organic, grass fed, farm raised, cage free foods I can consume, the better. 

So for now, I will leave you with a yummy morning recipe that i've come to really like. 
The three ingredients are carrots, apples and a lemon.  The following information about these fruits and their benefits are from

Carrots: richest plant source of vitamin A, and a good source of potassium.
Apples: contain antioxidants that help protect “good” cholesterol levels in the blood.

Lemons: High in vitamin C and anti-inflammatory.  Also contains natural anti-nausea and overall digestive-aid properties.

So take two carrots, two apples and a peeled lemon,  put them all through the juicer and just like that you'll have about 16 ounces of morning energy.  I'll have some rolled oats with peanut butter or eggs along with it to carry me through most of the morning.

So my journey has only just begun but I'm feeling motivated, energized and excited the reap the benefits of my healthy choices.

Well, I'm off to laugh at an episode of Modern Family before bed.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Just the Beginning...


Where to begin?  Well, for starters I’m Ashley.  I’m 27 and I’m a Certified Personal Trainer and have been for four years and counting.  I work at two different gyms with two very different styles which I love as my days are never the same.  I have the wonderful opportunity to help people reach their health and fitness goals on a daily basis,  (though some days they forget that I have their best interest at heart; one of my clients told me just a couple days ago I don’t believe in letting them breathe).

  I have learned over the years that in order for me to be a successful trainer, I need to practice what I preach, Mostly… there are going to be off days for me too contrary to what some of my clients might think.  I truly enjoy working out and feeling good about myself and wish for nothing more than everyone I come in contact with to eventually have the same experience. 

My active life all started when I was six and sports became part of my every day.  My mom even let me try baton twirling which lasted for a couple years…too many leotards and pink roller filled nights for me. So I left my baton behind and ended up playing three sports in high school and continued on to play basketball at the collegiate level. 

I’m still involved in basketball, playing weekend pick up games and have been the Head JV Girls Basketball Coach at Brookfield Central for five years so far which I absolutely love.  I have to admit that the years when I was playing sports everyday were some of the best days of my life.  I have made lifelong friends, learned discipline, motivation and perseverance which have helped me become successful in my career. I guess what I’m really trying to say through all this babble is fitness and wellness, have always been a way of life for me. 

Along the way I have learned a lot about nutrition and diet as well.  I have learned what works for me and what doesn’t.  I want balance, moderation and variety when it comes to food…and some ice cream here and there. 

Which I guess brings me to the reason I decided a blog would be kind of a cool addition.  I’m a realist, though like everyone I have my moments, but overall I want to portray a lifestyle to my clients that is healthy and active.  

So this blog will be twofold: first of all, I will be focusing mainly on diet and nutrition.  The majority of the people I work with enjoy or at least tolerate the exercise part of a healthy lifestyle, it’s what they do outside the gym that holds them back. 

Secondly, since fitness is part of my every day, I will make it a part of yours too…or at least four times a week. Yes, I know some of you are shaking your head thinking to yourself, “psht, this girl is crazy.” With that said, I’m excited to get this blogging journey started and have Brewers Organics with me along the way.  I will take a time out from writing when Glee is on though to practice my singing skills.